Friday, April 16, 2010

Shoaib Malik - Sania Mirza Marriage

The marriage of a celebrity is always a first headline. But when a marriage is between two star sports players - Sania Mirza, tennis player from India and Shoaib Malik, cricketer from Pakistan then the news becomes much bigger because of the tensions and cold relations between Pakistan and India.

It all began when, Pakistani media got the lead over Indian media by breaking the news of this marriage last week and since them this news is selling like hot cakes. It was further confirmed by the tweet of Shoaib Malik and a press conference that same night by Sania Mirza and her father. Most of the Pakistanis, in general became very happy for the marriage on hearing the breaking news. But on the other hand in India,we came across mixed reactions. Harsh reactions came from some segments of the Indian society which could be because an Indian superstar sports girl was going to marry a Pakistani boy which is opposite to what we see in Indian movies. Some extremist parties and media agencies were against the marriage. Processions were held where photos of the couple were burnt. Some even said that she cant be an Indian if she marries a Pakistani. And then came the Ayesha Siddque alias Maha Siddique controversy, who claimed herself as the first wife of Sohaib Malik which spiced up the marriage event further.

News channels both from India as well as Pakistan dedicated almost all of there news bulletin time in covering these issues. Sweet and happy marriage songs are being played at the starting of this hot news in every hour news bulletin of Pakistani channels since the breaking of this news. Some channels called this marriage a union of two stars while others called it “Aman ki Asha” (Hope for Peace). Some called it a CBM (Confidence Building Measure). At the same time, all the news anchors, politicians, cricketers, sport persons, and other celebrities were very eager to convey their good wishes to Sohaib and Sania for the to be wedding. Pakistan Tennis Federation chief even invited Sania to play for Pakistan. Governor Gilgit Baltistan invited the couple for honeymoon with an official protocol. Some politicians were happy because the media attention was diverted from them. While other, who always talk about terrorism, NRO, Zardari, poverty, judiciary, water, etc etc also participated in this. Whenever they made a statement about this marriage, I could see the happiness, shine and glow on their faces. Anchors have now started to discuss Sohaib - Sania Marriage in their serious political talk shows to such an extent that some Pakistan People’s Party leaders complained that President of Pakistan Asif Ali Zardari didn’t get the due coverage for his third Parliament speech in their shows due to this marriage coverage. Poets were also not behind in this issue nor were the thousands of blogs, newspapers, magazines and social networking sites like Facebook and Twitter. Special One hour programmes are being held by many T.V. channels for this issue.

Same is the case in India. News agencies are diverting there full attention to this issue. They are covering nothing but this marriage. First they captured a video of Sania Mirza, her mother and her to be hubby - Sohaib in their balcony and now they are raising about hundreds of questions and then they answer it themselves. Will the marriage continue? Will Shoaib apologize? Will Ayesha Siddique go for an out of court settlement? Will the Pakistani government intervene in this case? Will the Hyderabad Police arrest Shoaib? and much much more. Both the families are passing through a media trail. The video captured was shown again and again - may be hundreds of times. They should have shown some sense of responsibilty.

All the media agencies are at war with each other. Each showing videos, sound bytes, statement, etc of Sohaib, Sania, Ayesha Siddique, Imran Zafar Malik, policemen, lawyers, Qazi’s, legal experts, politicians, sport players, actress, actors, Chefs, dress designers, security guards, etc and that too with their exclusive watermark moving around the whole T.V. screen. They all ask the same question and say that they have obtained an exclusive interview of them. The forthcoming wedding of Pakistani cricketer Shoaib Malik and India’s tennis star Sania Mirza has stirred more media frenzy in both the countries when Ayesha Siddique approached the court and launched an FIR against Shaoib Malik. TV channels and newspapers are full of juicy gossips against them. Topics such as confiscation of Shoaib Malik’s passport and mobile phone are now becoming the subject of newspaper editorials.

There were stories and pictures of Shoaib and Sania splashed in all major newspapers while the TV channels have been airing non-stop stuff, since the story of their marriage broke a few days back. Scores of reporters, cameramen and DSNG vans of several news channels are on the hots spots 24/7 to update the news, minute by minute.

Pakistan Foreign Ministry has now assured Shoaib Malik of full assistance and support. Shoaib and Sania are also expected to apply for an anticipatory bail to avoid any arrest at the last moment of the marriage. News channels are also breaking the news that the couple has invited many important celebrities on the wedding day. Pakistani channels reported that PTI chief Imran Khan and Former President of Pakistan Pervez Mushrraf are also in the guest list. How would these two guests face each other since they are completely against each other?

Now in this situation how could businessmen lag behind. Businessmen in Pakistan have joined the party as they are getting orders for hundreds of thousands of T-shirts featuring Shoaib and Sania ahead of their wedding that is expected to take place next week on 15 April.

However, Peace and construction are fart better than war and destruction. So is love is better than hatred. The Sania Shoaib wedlock is a win -win scenario for the people of the two countries who being tired of confrontation want to live in peace. As Sania and Shoaib have conquered hatred, the political leaders of the two nations can do the same to make South Asia a heaven.

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